Welcome to my Universe!

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way - things I had no words for.
— Georgia O'Keeffe

Featured Paintings

  • Barcelona Dream


  • Make New Friends


  • Labradorite


My Inspiration

I am deeply observational by nature. I take in many things at once and I rarely know what will show up in my work. I do know that I have patterns of inspiration that follow themes of sacred geometry in nature, imagery of media from my childhood, artists I resonate with, and the energy of the people/places/things I encounter. Each painting is different and I hardly plan for any sort of outcome. I use my unique intuitive abilities to tap into something greater than myself and I make work that’s healing to my inner-child . As a tarot reader I always say, “Take what resonates, and leave the rest.” This applies to my paintings as well. By viewing my work, I hope you become inspired to create, to observe, and to love little you.

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